Monday, September 11, 2017

The Birth of a Book

21 Elul 5777.

I'm very excited about this project! BS"D, after long months of editing and reformatting, the blog will be coming out in October in book form. For photos, you'll have to check back to the online version; but hopefully the words will be fun to see in print -- especially with the remarkable and insightful cover art by Hanna Tova Glicksman, and the wise graphic design of Hanna Sara (Zeif) Katz. It pays to work with hometown talent, especially when they're related, and accustomed to getting along nicely. (Ms. Glicksman and Ms. Katz are cousins. Nice family, this.)

Since you have been a part of this project from the beginning, as you have read, encouraged, commented, sometimes corrected (and saved me embarrassment), I hope you will also get some pleasure from owning a copy. You'll let me know.

Keep watching here and on Facebook. I'll be very excited to let you know when the labor is over, and the book is born!


  1. Truly expected and truly exciting! You are so talented in so many ways! xxoo

    1. You are very kind, my very talented friend. But isn't my artist the talented one?! This girl is an up-and-comer!

  2. This is wonderful news...what a meaningful way to take your inspirational writings and make them even more meaningful and inspirational for us your readers. Shanah Tovah.

    1. Ilene, you have been inspiring me since 2006. Thank you also for being a friend.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, Yaacov David! Hope you and the family are well!

  4. WOO HOO!! So exciting! Can't wait to own a copy!! Happy, happy, happy for my dear friend and sister! Blossom forth, precious one.

    1. Thank you, dearest, for the brachot and for the smiles.

  5. I bet you didn't think that making Aliyah would also make an author out of you as well. Very well done Mrs E. Can't wait to buy a copy.

    1. Kiwi, you hit the nail on the head! (Is that an expression Down Under?) No worthwhile writing came out of this frond until after Aliyah. Then, there was so much to say.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. if you want some of G-d's word, you have to go (a) by (b) buy the book.

  8. Excited for you, Ruti dear - and for the rest of us! Looking forward to hearing that your book has been birthed!

  9. Replies
    1. Ruti, what a wonderful and exciting way to begin the new year. Mazel tov and I look forward to reading your new book. An author, WOW!

    2. Thank you for your confidence and support, dear lady!

  10. I so admire your ruthful determination to see this ambitious project through to the end! You know what Mark Twain says about birth? “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” Looking forward to reading your new baby and discovering the why (birth of book).

    1. "Ruthful." Hah! Love it! And the Mark Twain quote inspires me further! Looking forward to spending please God long, healthy, happy years discovering and actualizing the "why" attached to the birthday. We all have a purpose, unique to us. May we help each other realize our missions in the world.

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you, dear lady, for your support and encouragement since the very beginning!

  12. This blog post has been included in my roundup, Shiloh Musings: Interesting Posts from Blogs Near and Far aka "Havel Havelim" You're invited to visit and read the others.

    1. Thank you, dear Batya. You have never stopped "being there" for your fellow bloggers. You are a true team player, whether we are talking blogging or football.

  13. I'm very much looking forward to a copy. The cover art is lovely. Suits you beautifully.
    Will it be Amazon-available or through another source?

    1. Thank you! I agree about the cover art. Hanna Tova Glicksman really "got" what I wanted to convey. My understanding -- and I'll clarify later, when I am sure -- Amazon, Lulu, maybe even Book Depository, should have this available, when it comes out. For local people, there may even be copies available for purchase at my favorite book store in the entire world, M. Pomeranz Book Seller in Jerusalem. I'll let you know for sure when I know.
